Note: You can't reference msodbcsql.h and odbcss.h in the same program. The header file that contains all of the new definitions needed to use the driver. share/msodbcsql/resources/en_US/ for Driver 13. share/msodbcsql17/resources/en_US/ for Driver 17 and in. The accompanying resource file for the driver library. This file is installed in /usr/local/lib/.
The dynamic library ( dylib) file that contains all of the driver's functionality. Libmsodbcsql.17.dylib or libmsodbcsql.13.dylib The ODBC driver on macOS consists of the following components: Component Use the following commands to install the Microsoft ODBC driver 13.1 for SQL Server on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and macOS 10.12 (Sierra): /bin/bash -c '$(curl -fsSL )' The following sections provide instructions for installing previous versions of the Microsoft ODBC driver on macOS. The msodbcsql17 package can be installed side by side with the msodbcsql v13 package.
If you installed the v17 msodbcsql package that was briefly available, you should remove it before installing the msodbcsql17 package.